
A Single Function Site


Added on: March 19th, 2009

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Whspr.me gives you a temporary URL for your email address, so you can get emails without revealing it. Here’s an example: Say you want to advertise a job opening on Twitter, and you don’t want to share your company email address. Some applicants may not want to post a public @reply, and they can’t send you a direct message if you don’t already follow them. Include a whspr! URL, and they can reach you discreetly.

One Comment

  1. Formsly: A profitable approach to interactive ‘contact us’ pages? | memeburn
    March 15th, 2011 at 11:31 pm

    […] says it has little direct competition, it did acknowledge online form generators such as Wufoo, Whspr, and Contactify , all of which are currently making a similar offering, with varying degrees of […]