
A Single Function Site


Added on: June 5th, 2009

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Tweet1 or Tweet #1 is a really cool and fast way to find the first tweet of a Twitter user. The service simplicity and ease is only topped by it’s visuals, and can really fulfill the curiosity of knowing what was the first tweet of a particular twitter-er, for instance, Jack Dorsey’s first tweet.

If you are really interested in knowing the first tweet every time you visit the profile or tweet of a new twitter-er you just learned about, I suggest you add the bookmarklet to your browser.

Tweet1 is the creation of Oisin Prendiville, and you can follow the updates of Oisin on Twitter @prendio2.

One Comment

  1. Tweet #1: quale é stato il tuo primo tweet? « Jacopo Farina
    June 7th, 2009 at 4:01 am

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