A Single Function SiteDescription:
LongestPoemInTheWorld, as the name implies, is just that, a never ending supply of verses, around 4000 a day, aggregated in real-time from Twitter updates that rhyme. So if you like poetry and tweets that rhyme, that would definitely be the place to spend time and feel fine 😉
LongestPoemInTheWorld or "The Longest Poem in the World" is the creation of Andrei Gheorghe, and you can follow the updates on Twitter @longestpoem.
The Longest Poem in the World: l’opera scritta da tutti i twitter-user « Jacopo Farina
June 5th, 2009 at 4:02 am
[…] via SingleFunction […]
August 27th, 2009 at 2:14 am
Thank you 🙂
Hope you like the new design 😉