
A Single Function Site


Added on: March 1st, 2009

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Twitoria finds your friends that haven’t tweeted in a long time so you can give them the boot!

Clutter is pervasive. Twitoria tries to reduce Twitter’s clutter by revealing friends you are following that haven’t posted an update in a while. It can, for example, easily track down those pesky friend spammers that post no content, or people that have abandoned Twitter for another status updating service. Why follow them if they no longer tweet?

The service is very simple to use, all you have to do is enter your Twitter username, and then select the period of inactivity from the drop down box, that’s it. A report is generated listing your friends that haven’t tweeted during the selected period. You will get the search results 100 per page max, and this is due to limitations set by Twitter, so if you have more than 100 friends you will have to click through the pages, kind of inconvenient if you are following +10,000 Twitter-ers.

One Comment

  1. Twitoria: scopri chi davvero ti segue su Twitter « Jacopo Farina
    March 7th, 2009 at 10:31 am

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